Rachel Aubrey (2019 - Current)
Research Student
Biochemistry, Nursing
McMaster University and Princess Margaret Hospital
Hello, my name is Rachel Aubrey! I am a 3rd year nursing student at McMaster University. I joined CanSaRCC in May 2019 while completing my Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. During this time, CanSaRCC has been able to aid and guide the development of my clinical research skills and provide connections to explore the various professions within health care, that has ultimately led me to focus on my current career path in nursing. I have been able to learn so much about Sarcoma research, by being immersed in data collection and getting first hand experiences with oncologists. I feel that it is important to volunteer with CanSaRCC as you are able to make a change in the accessibility to data for countless future research projects and make a difference in the Sarcoma community.