Embark on a journey of inspiration and impact! Join our thriving community by registering now, and let's together shape a future filled with innovation, connection, and hope for Sarcoma patients.
To become a CanSaRCC member, follow the steps above!

There are 2 different types of CanSaRCC membership: general and contributing.

What is a General Member?

General Members are physicians and scientists who would like to declare their status as providers in the care of patients with sarcoma.

What is a Contributing Member?

Contributing Members are physicians and scientists who would like to contribute clinical data and/or tissue to our national database. Only Contributing Members will then have access to data/tissue submitted for specific projects that have been approved.

  General Member Contributing Member
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Ability to Submit a Project Request
Ability to Submit Clinical Data to DADOS
Free Use of DADOS

Become a Contributing Member

In order to become a contributing member that will permit you to submit and access data, you must complete step 1, 2 and 3. Upon completion, your site will receive $1000 as start-up funds.

Step1: Register to CanSaRCC website and check the box "contributing member"
Step2: We will approve your request within 24hr
Now you are a contributing member 
Step 3: begin your local REB submission
Step 4: Ensure your institution has a signed legal contract
Step 5: DADOS Account creation https://www.cansarcc.ca/dados.
Step 7: CanSaRCC Steering Committee will review your project. 
Step 8: Approval. Your project status now is "Active"
Step 9: Start Patient consent and Data Submission
Step 10: You'll get the data as per your request via email.